This week, I'm waiting on (droooling after, starving for, nearly dying because I can't have it yet... whatever you prefer) THE IRON KNIGHT by Julie Kagawa. (Hey.. look... I went all Iron Horse! People who haven't read these books are now confused.) Anyways, after reading all the previous books, I'm dying to get my hands on this. And, honestly, anyone else who read the ending of TIQ? They are dying for it also.
There isn't a synopsis for it yet, which depresses me greatly, but the publication is set for October 25th, which is now marked on my calender with a huge smiley face and balloon. Anyways, if you haven't read the Iron Fey books, you're SO missing out. And.... TEAM PUCK.
Team Puck ROCKS!!!
Yes, very much waiting on this book. When they first announced it was due in November I nearly cried. November is too busy for me. Thus October will be great. Hope there will be a twitter party for this one...
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